Thursday 7 November 2013

The perfect song

The perfect song for me is Breath of Pink Floyd, the lyric is about the life, is a invitation to take a break in the life, and think to make the life have a meaning, and is perfect for diferente things, in first time the music causes good feeling and with the lyrics makes a very good combination, because the sensation it cause is relax  causes a very musical break, finally with this combination the song make sentence. I dont have a story with th seong, I listen it every time ande makes me feel fine and how say in the movie CafĂ© de Flore: "Breathe in the air... That song takes you to a good place. Understand all the shit but you soothes the soul."


  1. Great record!!!!

    I like being in my living room, lights out and eyes closed and just listen to it. It takes me away.

  2. I love songs that have a message about life and really make you think about many things and the best of a great band as Pink Floyd.

