Thursday 10 October 2013

How will my life change in the future

How will my life change in the future?...Mmmm that's is a hard question, really I don’t  know how it will change, I suppose by the next five years my life will remain, before that the change will come, beacuse the plan is finish the career and find a job, I suppose my life change in that moment beacuse I will meet new people, and I will get salary, and I hope to go to live alone, maybe far from Santiago. Who knows?  Maybe     I can travel around the world that's the way I like how will my life change, but, step by step, first I must end my career in the shortest time possible. Other ways are possible, maybe something change my life in a way I never think

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yeah...step by never know what's going to happen tomorrow.

    Finishing your studies and finding a job is a way...but life's always a you said...who know?

