Thursday 21 November 2013

How Green are you?

How Green are you? Mmm, I try to be green… Some time ago, my family made very Green, firstly with my dad who always collects trash, in every place we go.  Then was my sister, when she began to study “Renewable Natural Resources Engineering” in the University of Chile, added to a our travels around Chile, where we tried not generate a lot of garbage.
Somde day my parents bought
a composter, and my sister brought worms, that’s  two things used to generate organic fertilizer domestically, we fill that’s with all organic  garbage, practically, we do not produce organic waste.  Then was my mom turned a fanatic of recycle, and started to recycle and reuse all things she could, in every place we stay, my family recycle.
I´m help in wha I can, I try to recycle all my garbage, trying do not use plastic bags for example


  1. Wow!

    Your family is a real example of recycling and being friendly to our environment.

    Great job!!!

  2. jajahajhaj and you?
    I never see you never recycle cans in "Pircas" ahajha
    you must release your "jipi" child inside you ajhajha
